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Siam Asahi Manufacturing co , . Ltd .
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Let see the successful improvements by using IoT in our company!

  • Explore a different perspective you may have never seen before.
    We organize this activity to educate you about the real-world application of IoT in our factory, and you'll have the opportunity to meet our team of experts ready to answer all your questions. Come embark on an adventure in the world of technology and bring back ideas to your business
  • Apply Here


    SAM Company Tour 2024

    July 25-26, 2024: Annual outing in Prachinburi with ATV rides, rafting, and a fun evening banquet!

    SAM Congratulations!

    Our company received the VA Excellence Award from the president of Aisin Corporation. The VA activities that our company is reduce production costs by shifting our production. Phase 1: Change to machining production in Thailand. Phase 2: Change to integrated production in Thailand, from materials to finished products.

    Tree planting activities to increase green space in the factory

    Today, our company held a tree planting activity and received the cooperation of all management and employees. We have increased the green space in the company and planted various types of fruit trees, including mango and guava, so that everyone can enjoy the product in the company.

    SAM Sport Day 2023

    2023 SAM Sports Day ,This year we divided into two teams, yellow and green.Employee collaboration through diverse competitions, showcasing skills and promoting a joyful work environment.

    iXacs System in Mira and Subcon EEC 2023@Nong Nooch,Pattaya

    Mira and Subcon EEC 2023 exhibition at the Nong Nooch Pattaya International Convention and Exhibition Center to promote the iXacs system

    SAM's 10th Anniversary Celebration

    SAM's 10th Anniversary Celebration

    ASAHI President visited SAM

    2023/08/19 Tetsuya Kimura, president of Asahi Tekko Co., Ltd., the parent company of SAM, visited SAM. This time, each department local staff presented the activities and improvement results and CO2 data from iXacs system, and received many compliments from the president.

    iXacs Brochure

    3 language of brochure for iXacs service

    iXacs System in Intermach 2023@BITEC,Bangna @Bangkok

    Intermach 2023 exhibition at the BITEC Bangna International Convention and Exhibition Center to promote the iXacs system

    2nd term Final group report for iXacs PoC Project

    2nd term Final group report for iXacs PoC Project

    1nd term Final group report for iXacs PoC Project

    1nd term Final group report for iXacs PoC Project

    2nd term WEB group lecture(3rd) for iXacs PoC Project

    2nd term WEB group lecture(3rd) for iXacs PoC Project

    2nd term WEB group lecture(2nd) for iXacs PoC Project

    2nd term WEB group lecture(2nd) for iXacs PoC Project

    iXacs system sales started

    iXacs is an IoT system produced by i Smart Technologies that originates from "IoT x Genchi Genbutsu". By using iXacs, you can measure your productivity and power consumption in real time, and visualize waste and power consumption (CO2) on your production line.

    2nd term WEB group lecture(1nd) for iXacs PoC Project

    2nd term WEB group lecture(1nd) for iXacs PoC Project

    Workshop on New Kaizen Using IoT for a “Smart Factory” @ Pullman Hotel,Bangkok

    This program aims at taking a hint of how to apply IoT technology effectively to our own work place in order to enhance the productivity and developing the ability for promoting Kaizen activities in practical manners. In this program, participants will learn the way of applying the knowledge by lectures, exercises and discussions under the guidance of a Japanese lecturer with plenty of experience and expertise.

    Workshop on New Kaizen Using IoT for a “Smart Factory” @ Kameo Hotel Amata Bangpakong ,Chonburi

    This program aims at taking a hint of how to apply IoT technology effectively to our own work place in order to enhance the productivity and developing the ability for promoting Kaizen activities in practical manners. In this program, participants will learn the way of applying the knowledge by lectures, exercises and discussions under the guidance of a Japanese lecturer with plenty of experience and expertise.

    Open for applications and start the PoC project For testing the iXacs system service

    Open for applications and start the PoC project For testing the iXacs system service


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